Friday, September 20, 2024

East Floren Continues (or Yaaaar!!)

I have to say, these evenings have been great. I've been hunkering down and just bashing out some world, bringing in new assets that I've been quietly amassing over the time I've been plugging away at the app and editor, and now I get to play with all the cool things.

This afternoon, after work, I put together more of the island itself, starting to lay out what's what, so to speak, but also did a design side-quest and added a dock, which makes sense thematically, as a nice way to connect the Floren Islands to the greater world.

Other than that, not a lot of updates, but it's enough. The world is coming along nicely, if a little slow. I'm very happy with the quality that is being generated and the assets I've picked up along the way are just a delight to work with.

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