Monday, March 10, 2025

Break Over - and therefore, Bugfixes and Crashes!

First off, it's been a while. I needed a break, and I gave myself the luxury of having one for a bit. I did some woodwork, and built a carry case. I then saw all the mistakes I'd made and iterated the design and built another one much much better. I played a few tabletop games with mates. I bought a few random toys.

Also, I had a friend come up, and while he's been play-testing a little, we basically watched his daughter light up and basically playing the game, which although she was probably a bit too young to grasp all the details of, was wonderful to see someone just happily running errands and doing quests.

So, in terms of code, I feel like I've isolated and resolved a multitude of tiny bugs that were causing random crashes here and there. I've got a bunch more on my hit-list, and I need to change some display things over the next day or so, namely character names and the like (colours specifically) and also the size of printed text in various views needs to be standardized. On my android emulator here, and on my phone, things were perfectly readable - but on his shiny new android device, they were much smaller than they should be. So there's a few things on the next day-or-two hit-list.

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