Monday, December 9, 2024

Plink plink plink

So, I've just dropped another internal test build out, capturing another big bunch of changes I've been building up with particular little fixes and tweaks.

Small Update: I tweaked item code to show useful information for Reagents in a transaction setting, so you can click on one in a vendor, or loot pile, and see how good it is, and what properties it impacts.

Medium Update: I added more UI and some code, so that when you're buying items from a vendor that can stack (so, potions, meals, reagents - basically almost anything consumable), it won't sit there buying them one at a time, but let you use a slider to pick how many you want to buy.

Medium Update: Abilities in the game now use files the game caches from the server for ability icons, so I can add in new spells and things without having to release a new build onto the play store. It'll just grab new files off the server when you load it up.

Medium Update: Same as above for effects. So much better to be able to drop them into the game, even on my own end without having to muck about with all manner of file management in my dev environment. I mean, there's still a bit, but no-where near as much.

Small Rumours (Edit: Big rumours): There's been a lot of renaming of items, as well as a good bunch of new things added to some vendors and loot tables. I've been thinking about how things will be called in game, and while "Health Potion" was good enough while I was testing, it's not really quite "up there" in the way I envisage the world in which the game is set. Lets face it, if you've got a tummy upset, you might have a peppermint tea to settle things down, or if you want a quick pick-me-up you might grab a coffee, or coca-cola, or pepsi. We don't call them "Action Potion" or "Stomach Settle Drink". So, my initial items now have proper names, in-line with what they are made of, or how they are made in the game. Okay, so by now, we're moving off small rumours, and into larger rumour territory - but while it's not on my short-term to-do list, I'll eventually do item crafting in the game, and I think these names will lead perfectly into the recipes that these items will be made with eventually - so the Swiftgrass Potion, the Swig of River's Tears, the Scarlet Seagrass Tea, will all make more sense when I start to look at what goes into them and how they're actually made.

So, plink, plink, plink, all the changes are slowly, one by one, bit by bit coming together. I'm planning on doing a half-decent rewrite of how some code is handled over the next few days, so this should keep things in place until those changes come through with how creatures are controlled by the game - but I wanted to get these things fixed before that.

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