Friday, November 15, 2024

New Abilities, Ability Functionality and Spells

It's been a few days since I posted, but I have been super busy working on iterative builds here to run through my own testing, and that of some folks testing stuff for me, and there's been loads of updates.

In no real order: I've added a bunch of functionality tweaks to my editor that lets me enter in and save new data needed for abilities and items easily. Those new fields let me set requirement needs for abilities better, as well as setting up some data (that was kind of there already) for items that teach you abilities. And I made a bunch of new spells. And I fixed creatures to be affected by damage-over-time abilities (which they weren't being hit by due to a "beature" - feature of code that's actually a bug.

Let me tie it together. I created a few new "real, not just testing" spells. One of them is a small fireball with a damage over time, and another is basically a light of sorts. To have one of my mages be able to cast this, I needed for him to learn the spell. That meant adding in items that taught it, or rather, fixing what was there but had apparently stopped working. Then doing a bunch of editor code work to let me set it up properly. Then some app work to bring all this info in properly, and display it in the item splash for the character inventory screen properly. Then have it also do that in a merchant window, so you can know what you're buying. Then went back and added skill requirements into that - so you know what skills you character will need to use it, before you buy it. And then, just for good measure, tweaked the code, so that if you don't have the needed skills to use an ability, it won't let you learn it.

New build is out for testers just now, so lets see what's what tomorrow!

Oh, the image is one of my mages casting a brand new, but teeny tiny fireball spell. Oh, and a cool thing that I implemented before, that's not actually been used is that effects can add lights. Twofold use. One, I can create a cool spell that gives you a light to see with in dark places if you don't have better, such as torches or lanterns. And secondly, it means if you cast a fireball at someone, they'll also be lit up nicely until the fire wears off them.

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