Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Quests, Quests, Quests!

This afternoon, like yesterday afternoon, I've been at quests, tweaking the behaviour as well as server updates. Basically, it's tedious as heck, but it's functionality that needs to be there, and I'm getting through it at a decent pace. I've tidied up the way that quests maintain events on the server, how they interact with themselves, and this evening I got the code working to correctly track and identify quests were you will need to kill a certain amount of something. Then of course I had a "Huh... well..." moment as I realized that nothing in my database would keep track of that particular aspect, so that also got fixed.

It seems to be working, and I've logged in a few times, killed one creature of a quest I am on and things seem to be updating nicely as they should.

Tomorrow, I'm hoping to either find something not quite right in tonight's work, or move on to quests that require a certain number of quest items to be collected in some manner - there's not going to be any need to store that on the server luckily, the items are already there, so it should just be a matter of counting items from inventories on the fly.

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