Thursday, August 29, 2024

Editor Questing Revamp, and More Quests

As I started building a bit of a quest yesterday evening I started looking at all the things that I was amending in the database, to cater for new columns that I'd added and extra functionality that I was using in the app.... and of course, I side-quested myself into giving the editor a refresh in how the interface for quests looks and works. And most importantly, added all the new fields and some nice dropdowns etc.

So, perhaps today, I'll use all the new functionality nicely and neatly, create myself a quest that will let me check all the functionality I want to make sure works together in the app and cross my fingers for everything to work delightfully. At the same time, I think I'll go through the editor interface for NPC conversations and give it the same loving, as there's a bunch of new functionality there as well - which goes hand in hand with the questing work.

It's Friday, there's a whole weekend ahead of me. I'm feeling good!

Again, no screenshots here, there's nothing fancy or worthwhile  to show.

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