Sunday, December 29, 2024

What maketh the World?

So, I've been taking a bit of a break from app code (kinda anyhow, there's always bug fixes going on and small tweaks) and trying to focus on building out the world. Which really brought me to thinking about HOW to actually build the world. 

So far, it's been just a case of dropping in a few monsters here and there, to test a particular feature, hopefully roughly in the right place. Wolves outside, check. Goblins in a cave, check. I dropped a few NPCs where I wanted them, and gave them some conversation scripts and things. Great. I have enough to test with.

But.... I think, for building out the world further, I'll have to do things in a much different alignment and order. I mean, I've got the map drawn out, and I've got a few very rough ideas on some back story for things - but even as I started adding in some more spawns to the world, I realized that doing so didn't quite break, but made my conversations missing obvious things. I mean, it's not quite second breakfast, but it's close. You talk about all the wolves in the valley, yes, but what about all the bandits in the hills?

So, as I was heading off to sleep, I was pondering how to best build the world out, and I think I've come up with the right process:

Get a rough idea of the zone and any potential backstory etc at a high level.
Create the map itself.
Create monster spawns and place through the map.
Drop in any NPCs that will be in the area.
Create quests and then finally conversations.

That should limit the amount of rework fixing obvious things as I spend some effort now to fill out this starting zone with all the content I'd like to put in, see how much is needed to get characters up a few levels as a starting area should do as I get ready for the beta.

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