Monday, November 11, 2024

Combat Text ....done... and loads of small bugfixes

So, if you read my ramblings often, you know that when I say stuff is done, it's basically a fifty-fifty at best to say it's actually done... but the important stuff of combat text is done. When things hit, when things miss, when effects connect with a character or creature. That's all working in a pretty rudimentary, but functional manner. 

I also fixed up some small bugs, and have been starting to tidy up some content (Yay!!!) to get the early stuff done. It's very very early days with content, but it's great to be able to start tweaking that again.

Again, short sweet update, but it's great to keep things moving in the right direction.

The current plan is to now focus on some content, so that the folks I get doing some testing can actually play the game for a bit - rather than just having enough in there for me to test the utter bare basics of functionality that I need. Lets see how that goes!

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