Monday, October 14, 2024

I'm Doing My Part!

Yes, there's been that many bugs that it could be a new instalment of Starship Troopers -PS, nothing after the first was worth a dime).

There's an annoyingly high number of server bugs that I'm finding. Things that I already solved for in my dev machine, but that didn't get copied over properly to prod in the different environment. Dumb little things. Annoying little things.

Things that I'm fixing pretty quickly and getting back to where things should be.

I'm also paying more attention to some things... like Goblins not moving in a particular encounter... investigate code... look though combat logs... scratch head.... discover that I've set up the goblins with zero move. So yeah, working as expected - and the moment I updated it to what it should be, things just worked again. A whole bunch of things with Quests too were flagged and fixed.

So loads of those little things, but quickly found, quickly fixed. I've even started updating conversations and quests again, so the folks doing the alpha testing aren't standing about scratching their butts with boredom.

So, it's been a super productive start to testing. Super chuffed!

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I'm Doing My Part!

Yes, there's been that many bugs that it could be a new instalment of Starship Troopers -PS, nothing after the first was worth a dime). ...