Tuesday, August 6, 2024

World Building and an Annoying Movement Bug

I'm pretty busy at work, but I did get some time in last night (and this morning) mainly focussed on trying to fix a really annoying bug when movement happens. I've improved, but not completely fixed it.

I'm going to try a few more things, but I'm not entirely sure right now how to fix if it they don't work. The bug itself doesn't interfere with game play itself, it just snaps the terrain view into the wrong place for a split second and it sort of looks jaggy.

Other than that, I'm having a good bit of fun building the world out slowly. My initial test snippet was built out as I was literally building the tools to build it, so parts of it looked okay, while other parts looked pretty grim. Here, I've got all the tools I need (though there's always ideas for more) and it's off to a much better start.

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