Thursday, August 22, 2024

Slowly Slowly

I'm continuing with a load of fixes, and generally getting the app back to a good functional state. Yesterday I managed to fix up a few bits and pieces and build out a little more world, dropping in a few NPCs and starting to write a few test quests. This evening I've managed to find a bunch of bugs in the app code for quests and conversations - like answers not checking for the right events and generally mucking up the story arcs as they should process. So, again, a bunch of tedious little fixes here and there. Some of them related to the major rewrite I did a few weeks ago of the app sections, but a lot simply there in code I've not touched in a long, long time and have been left behind as I made other changes.

One other thing that I am noticing very much, is that I probably need to improve my editor interface for conversations and for quests. Over and above the things above, I'm not finding it super easy to intertwine the conversations that NPCs have with where the player is up to at the right time currently. I can sort of get there in the end, but I can see I need it a lot more intuitive than it is now. More point and click. And better screen layout than I have at the moment. So I'll invest some time there too.

Anyhow, loads of small incremental and seemingly invisible updates, but moving in the right direction. I always expected (some) of this as I circled back to these very early sections of code that I'd written up.

This is Davos, you'll probably be chatting to him pretty early if you can find him.

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