Friday, August 23, 2024

It's turning into a quest to get quests working so folks can go questing!

It's Friday after a long week of work, but I've put in some good time into Quests, how the are displayed, and a few other things. The good news is that I think I finally have worked out all the things I need to change in the app. The bad news is that there's actually a good bit there to do.

The biggest issue has been that so far, quests were sort of magically "inserted" into your game during conversations, which really wasn't good enough. You spoke with an NPC, and if you said you'd do something for them, it was inserted in. There wasn't a real way to display the quest, along with rewards and a sort of Accept/Decline option. I'd also somehow missed setting up the rewards in the app. They were there in the database and editor setup fine, but I wasn't doing anything with them, so that needed doing too - but back to the main issue.

How to flick from the conversation, to a quest accept screen, and then back to where you were in conversation. Oh also, of course there's more problems. With the way I had the code set up before, basically if you accepted the quest, it then loaded it into the app for you. - which means I need to also change that, so I can display it first, then let you choose if you want to do it or not. THEN set it up for processing and so on. Holy wow, if you're still reading this, thank you single reader. As always this is really to let me vent and clear my head for the next day.

So, I'll need to change the way that quests are loaded into the quest repository in the app, so they can load without the player actually accepting them (and running all the code that entails).

I've gone and done some of the code already to display the summary and have an accept/decline option.

And I think I have worked out how to return it to the conversation and let it pick up depending on what happened there. We'll see tomorrow.

Oh, and I'll need to then set up the code in a way that lets the player claim their rewards - and where that's triggered to happen - again, in a conversation maybe?

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