Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Simple They Said... Simples...

The plan for yesterday was a simple one. Just get ability-use to cost the right amount of each pool, and deduct it from whoever uses it. That should be a simple way back into the code, right? Right?

So.... No. I spent a solid few hours working back through my code to find the right place to trigger that, which was surprisingly a lot more complicated than you'd think. Do I do it when the monster is *thinking* about doing it? No, that's clearly a bad place to do it, what if they move before they use the ability? That's going to be dumb. Should I place it at the time that the ability is technically used? That's also kind of dumb, cause the animations have already happened... (to make it seem like things happen in the right order, animations are done first, THEN the actual attack is applied, though the outcome is already known at that point - but I'm getting really into the weeds of the code here). So, clearly, I need to add in another possible step to process in the combat-sequence which is to apply the cost of using an ability, so that it all appears to happen in the right sequence:

Plan - > move -> animate actions-> apply ability cost -> determine outcome [any following animations/actions/etc here]

After getting through most of the code, I _almost_ got it working last night, which included going back into editor code fixing that so that it was saving my inputs correctly, tweaking the code in the app that imports that section of combat abilities and finally, this morning, to tweaking a few statements to turn them from integer to floating point operations (cause... goddamit... why can't you do that automatically for me Java) and I finally got the satisfaction of seeing a spider throw out some sticky webs at the players, and its action bar went down as it should.


Monday, April 15, 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen...

It is with great pleasure that I can inform you that I'm back in the code.

A combination of things has kept me from working on the game for a good few weeks, but primarily that I just needed to have a break - a break from work would have been awesome too, but that's another story.

So, it's been a mentally refreshing good few weeks. I've not completely stopped, but have done very very little in that time. This evening, I got back in and picked back up where I'd left off. Didn't get a lot done, didn't have a lot of time to do it, but also needed to remember what I was working on, how it was all working and what I needed next.

So, I've tweaked the monster code to pick abilities, getting it closer to where it needs to be - monsters can now have a bit more smarts with what abilities they try to use when in combat.

Anyhow, the plan for tomorrow is to hopefully get back in and make abilities use the right mana/action/whatever so that there is the right cost to them.

Burnout and State of Mind

So, I've only had a few updates recently, and they've been much further apart than they normally are - and I completely acknowledge ...